9 Myths Which I Busted During This Lockdown

1. Can’t WORKOUT at home

Pic Courtesy: Pinterest

The first thing to top the list has to be this. Before the lockdown, I never thought I would ever borrow my little girl’s pink yoga mat and do those donkey kicks or deep sumo squats on it. For me working out from home was a strict ‘no-no’. I loved going to the gym be it rain, sun, or wind; there was no stopping. But now the scenario has changed. I sulked for a few days at the start of the lockdown. Finding excuses- not enough time, not enough space, no gears, and this and that, and God knows what. I didn’t work out and was always grumpy. But then I had to come to terms with my stupid emotions; I accepted the situation and I am at peace now. 1 hour of home workout and those endorphins work like morphine for me.
Yes, trust me!

2. Stay-At-Home means follow NO ROUTINE

Pic Courtesy: https://juliejac.typepad

Before the lockdown the weekends were crazy. Getting up late, then breakfast late, lunch super-late, evening tea super duper late, and then everything went haywire. The initial days of the lockdown were quite similar. There wasn’t any routine. We were just pretending every day to be Saturday and Sunday and then on top of that there wasn’t any house help, so some extra to-do activities. It was insane. Following a routine might sound a bit boring and stifling for some, but believe me, it is the path to productivity and happiness. Don’t believe me? Ummmm


Pic Courtesy: https://www.pandaandpolarbear.com/

There is no denying the fact that almost 2/3rd of the world population is busy with WFH mode. Companies are adopting their best possible means to make work from home possible for their employees. So, WFH is not that difficult, or is it? Looking at the current situation we should adopt this new emerging trend. Right?

4. WE CAN’T COOK FANCY meals at home

Pic Courtesy: https://purepng.com/phot

Social media these days are filled with pictures of people posting fancy meal pictures. From jalebis to biryanis, people are certainly getting better with their culinary skills. Well, I just might be the best example. How? Well, I can now cook pulao, egg fried rice, biryani, jalebi, and chili chicken without watching the recipes on youtube 😀 So yes, in case you are in a mood for some fancy food pictures for your Insta then you better enter the kitchen and cook up a storm and surprise everyone. Click and then eat.


Pic Couretsy: https://www.vectorstock.com/

Yes, this happened a few days back. The man of the house is the one to be appreciated. He started running in the house along with the daughter crazily to complete a mini 20 km marathon and he did it. It looked a bit awkward at first, running from one room to the other, but believe me, this kept them occupied over the weekend. They were busy running, while I calmly was busy running the daily errands


Pic Courtesy: Etsy.com

Let us admit it, this stupid virus is going to stay around us for quite a few days. Before the lockdown, I always wished for more study-time with my daughter. Now that she is at home, I am a changed mother. Teaching a 7-year-old should not be rocket science, right? Those simple addition, subtraction, multiplication, and divisions will keep them busy until you are done with your work. But then this isn’t a smooth ride after all and I have realized it. There are days when everything is fine and then there are also days where you end up acting like a nasty mother. I am not saying Homeschooling is impossible, I am saying it’s difficult and requires a lot of planning. I am still learning this art and I believe having a proper routine, talking to fellow mommies, creating lesson plans, and strategies it what we should do to keep the young minds at their best.
Am I sounding too preachy? No, right?

7. We CAN’T LIVE without salons and PARLOURS

Pic Courtesy: https://www.scrapbook.com/

Humans are capable of doing anything, anytime. Now that we have realized we can’t even go out to buy our groceries, visiting a salon is out of the question. A quick chat with a dear friend yesterday made me realize that it is better to make the razor your best friend now and also invest a little time trying out your mommy’s beauty rituals for the time being. We have survived the last 65 days without the parlor and I am sure we can live without them for now.
Okay, let’s say till the time we get a vaccine for this stupid virus.


Pic Courtesy: https://i.pinimg.com/

There were days when the maid took a day off, we announced the kitchen to be closed for the day. But, sadly everything has changed now. There is never a day off now. These two months have made me an expert in managing cooking, cleaning, laundry, dusting, and a hell lot of other stuff. The feeling after doing these endless thankless jobs when I sit and look around sipping my tea, always make me realize, wow I am soo good at all these as well.
But then who cares!

9. RETAIL THERAPY means spending lavishly on swanky clothes and jewelry

Pic Courtesy: https://www.dreamstime.com/

This used to be my savior. On days I was feeling blue I would always window shop, well on my phone. Amazon, Myntra, Shein, Hopscotch, TataCliq, and gazillion of the apps installed on my phone. After the lockdown, I was shattered. Yes, shopping (window shopping) always worked for me, even if I buy a small earring. Well, I could have still window shopped but then the words in bold red – Currently Not Delivering In Your Area always took the fun away. Then I started widening my horizon and satiated my feelings by shopping on SuperDaily, Amazon, Fresh, Amazon Pantry, Flipkart, and the damn Licious. I started finding solace in the good imagery of the food items. Well, that is the irony of my life for now.

Have you also busted some good old myths? If yes, I would love to hear from you.
Until then,
Stay Home, Stay Safe!

Published by VandanaDas

am Fun.. but i can be very stubborn and lazy at times,can get possesive and can also be rude and blunt at times.If i don't like someone that person is non existant for me. I hate to be told wat to do and wat not to do. I like things going my way.. ppl may think i'm selfish but then i trust my intuition more than anyone else. Overall i am a nice person but then sometimes i do switch into this negative mode. I am a very friendly person. Friends say that i'm always smiling. I love joking and laughing and i can make others laugh too with my wacky sense of humor and one liners.Music is my life and I can't live without My family,Cell phone,Money,Food,Music and of course SHOPPING ;-)

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